Spellcaster university wiki
Spellcaster university wiki

  • An awakened living spell gets 3d6 Int, +1d3 Cha, and can speal 1 language you know, +one additional language known to you per Int bonus.
  • An awakened living spell has an initial attitude of ''friendly'' towards you, but you have no special empathy or connection with it.
  • When you use this ability, you must make a Will save at DC = (10+the target's current HD).
  • Awaken Living Spell (Sp): Works like the ''Awaken'' spell, except it affcts only living spells. Ability otherwise functions exactly like the ''Create Living Spell'' ability.ġ0.

    spellcaster university wiki

    The creature exists for 1 round per PrC lvl before dissipating. Multiple Creations (Su): You gain the ability to create a living spell made out of 2 different spells, as a standard action. Prolonged Creation (Su): From now on your ''Create Living Spell'' ability will last 1 minute per level you've got in the spell sovereign PrC.Ĩ.

    spellcaster university wiki

    You may use this ability a number of times per day = 3 +your Cha modifier.Ħ. For determining the effects of your rebuke attempt your turning level = your CL. Rebuke Living Spells (Su): You can rebuke, command or bolster living spells as an evil cleric with the right feats can rebuke undead.

  • This ability otherwise functions as ''Summon Monster''.Ģ.
  • The created living spell lasts for 1 round per spell sovereign level.
  • spellcaster university wiki

  • You may use this ability a number of times per day = half your spell sovereign level.
  • It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability.
  • The living spell appears where you designate within 30 ft & acts immediately on your turn.
  • This expends the prepared spell or a spell slot of that level.
  • Create Living Spell (Sp): As a standard action, you can temporarily create a living spell using any single spell you can cast that qualifies for the living spell template.

    Spellcaster university wiki